Six Successful Ways to Reduce Stress When Moving

Moving home can be one of the most stressful experiences of your life, if you let it be. It may feel as though everything is happening all at once and before you know it, everything has changed and sometimes it can just be a little bit too much.
Here are six proven ways to ensure that moving home doesn’t cause you excess anxiety and lets you have a calm and enjoyable experience and a fresh start in your new abode. Keep it or Chuck it When packing up all your belongings, you’ll undoubtedly notice that you’ve held onto a load of rubbish that you’ve accumulated over the years. These ersatz antiques are not likely to be worth anything and are simply taking up room in your home. Instead of packing them up and stressing over where everything will fit in your new home try to sort out the junk from the gems. Once you have sorted all these items you can either try to sell the stuff you don’t want, or simply donate it to charity. This can give you some extra cash to help with the cost of moving but more importantly it will get it out of your way meaning that you don’t have to worry about where you’re going to put it. Prioritise One of the biggest mistake you can make when moving house is to have lots of other things you want to do around the same time. Moving around your working schedule or with kids underneath your feet is hard work and can unnecessarily add stress. When you have a moving date do everything you can to clear your calendar and you will find the whole experience much smoother. Take a day off work, don’t plan anything for the weekend and have a friend or family member take your children for the day and moving will be a much easier experience. Ask for Help Whether you have lots of friends who will help you move or if you require professional home removal companies, asking for a bit of help can make a huge difference. While friends are much cheaper – often the cost of beer or a pizza – a professional moving company will probably be the faster, sleeker option who will make sure that your possessions get from A to B without being lost or damaged along the way. You also won’t have to worry about that one friend of yours just getting drunk and passing out on the sofa while you try to move it! Make sure you get plenty of quotes for removal companies to get the most competitive price. Take a Tea Break Moving house is hard work. Don’t forget to take regular breaks to keep motivation levels up and relax yourself a bit. Stopping for tea and biscuits is a great way to ensure that you take five minutes for yourself and aren’t overworking or stressing yourself out. Be Prepared for Things to Go Wrong Man plans, God laughs. Don’t be surprised if every aspect of the move doesn’t go exactly the way you wanted it to. If and when things do go wrong try not to get too stressed out by it. Things might break, some items may get lost or it could just take you much longer to pack up your home – if it isn’t a huge thing then don’t worry about it too much. Think rationally before you start having a temper tantrum over a broken mug. Label Your Boxes You would be hugely surprised by how big a difference something as small as labelling the different boxes can make. Instead of trying to scout through five, ten or even twenty boxes for the item you want you can narrow it down to a select few boxes without even opening them. This makes moving in much, much easier as the boxes can go directly to the rooms they are destined for, making unpacking a hassle free task.